Saturday, October 29, 2011

It is time for some Adventure Travel

As you think about your next vacation why not think about something different than just getting a room, doing a tour and then going back to your room.  Why not take a look at the adventure travel packages.    Now adventure travel doesn't necessarily mean mountain climbing or white water rafting although that can be a blast.  It also includes things like ecotourism, cultural tourism, photo safaris, and culinary travel.  According to the Travel Industry Association of America at least 10 percent of Americans have taken an adventure-travel trip, and that it's growing by about 10 percent a year.  Imagine a group of  people traveling to Italy, renting a villa and each night taking a cooking class being taught by an Italian chef and afterwards toasting the meal you just prepared and digging in.  Then there is being in Brazil learning how to Samba or taking camdoble lessons from a Brazilian Maestro.   Try letting your vacation be something completely different than what everyone else is doing.  Let your pictures bring out the WOW!!!!! factors when people look at them. 

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